To honor sanctity of life and give support to H.O.P.E. Clinic, pick up a baby bottle(s) from the sanctuary,
fill it with change, cash or a check, and return it to the church. We will be collecting through February and March.
The mission of Project 20/20 is to prevent blindness and improve vision among the indigent and working poor in underdeveloped areas
of the world. This is accomplished by providing sunglasses, eyeglasses, and other support to volunteer medical teams that contribute
professional service in those areas.
• Recycled sunglasses prevent blindness by eye diseases caused by intense sunlight, wind, or dust in tropical
and high altitude countries.
• Recycled eyeglasses improve vision when dispensed by licensed professionals free to children and adults in developing countries.
• Financial and technical assistance enable optometry students and medical teams to provide humanitarian service in areas desperate
for medical assistance.
Wonderful Wednesday.
Adults have Bible Study at
5:45. Come Join Us!!